We have been preparing the questionnaire since 2009, when we started implementing it as part of the REMA European initiative. With it, we got to know our audience better than we would have otherwise. Your answer will not only help us to better understand our audience, but also to defend the festival with all those who make it possible financially. We will use the final data in reporting in frameworks such as, for example, in the report published at https://www.seviqc.si/report.html (www.seviqc.si / Festival / Programme description): Table VI, Questionnaire to visitors.
The questionnaire is anonymous. During data processing, each completed questionnaire will only be marked with a serial number, the information about the sender will be deleted for anonymity.
I kindly ask you to forward the questionnaire to everyone who came with you to our events. I only send the questionnaire to ticket subscribers, who mostly ordered more than one ticket. The average large purchase was 4.91 tickets. The answers of as wide a part of our visitors as possible are strategically important to us.
Send the completed questionnaire to info@k-ramovs.si or the printed one by regular mail to the address: Ars Ramovš, Slovenska cesta 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana.