For a better cultural policy: YOU SIGN TOO

08. 09. 2024

Link to petition:
We demand the right to defence in the co-financing of non-governmental culture

We sincerely thank all the signatories,
Niko Houška, Jasna Nadles, Klemen Ramovš, Petra Vrh Vrezec, and Milan Vrsajkov



My reasons for publishing a petition

The situation is catastrophic, the best projects are falling one after the other. For top and internationally established NGO projects, which are neither populist nor have special connections in politics, the right to defence demanded by this petition is a basic building block of existence. 
The withdrawal of the right to defence in September 2016 (Minister Peršak) means for us very great economic damage, work in extreme financial straits, extreme stress and a high risk of burnout. Without the necessary colleagues at the headquarters, even with excellent partners and co-organizers, work at the festival is extremely tiring. If we could object to the evaluations of the expert commission and enforce the correct evaluation, our situation would be significantly different. We lost the case from 2016 due to completely irresponsible decisions of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. We have won the case from 2018 at the Administrative Court three times, but due to the systemic nature of the decision, it is still not closed. The cases from 2021 and 2022 are still pending. The right to defence would provide us with legitimate resources and we would not need to go to the Administrative Court. We did not bring the three lost cases from 2024 to the Administrative Court because the petition requests a review of cases from 2016 onwards.
On behalf of the Initiative for Culture, I presented the need for the establishment of the right to defence at the meeting of the Culture Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on June 28 and mentioned that the petition is not opposition but support for necessary changes in cultural policy. At this meeting, the minister said that the ministry will support the creation of standards for creators and audiences and will strive to use these tools that promote respect, protection of human rights, and dignity.
With two parliamentary groups (NSi, SDS) the presentation meeting has already taken place, with one (Svoboda) next week, with two (SD, Left) we are still waiting for an appointment. Wherever we have already presented the request of the petition, we have met with support.
That is why it is very important to collect as many signatures as possible with the petition, and I kindly ask you to sign it and share it with your friends and acquaintances.
I sincerely thank you for your support. 

With best regards, 
Klemen Ramovš



Recent comments, 26.6.2024

  • Culture is the nourishment of human beings. More art produces people with more consciousness and happiness. Let's contribute as much as we can to a better world. All the possible support from the government and political and social institutions makes a great improvement. Thank you (Adriana, Spain)

  • Zahtevamo pravico do zagovora pri sofinanciranju nevladne kulture! (Ales, Slovenia)

  • I do always support any action taken for the benefit of the Cultura, in any country. (Ana Celia, Spain)

  • Naj to postane samoumevno, ker je! (Bogdana, Slovenia)

  • No comment needed. (Branko, Slovenia)

  • A country without support for culture is likely to cease to be a cultural country. (Dora, Slovenia)

  • Our european civilization based on recent culture. Don`t forget it. (egon, Slovenia)

  • The need for culture is more urgent then ever (Ellen, Austria)

  • Za prvično delitev je zagovor in utemeljitev nujna! (FREYER, Slovenia)

  • I agree that we should have a right to an opinion and decision-making on financing the culture, since we are makers of culture and we are one of those that the wrong decisions will hurt the most. (Gaja, Slovenia)

  • La cultura è l' unica cosa che ci può salvare . (Giuliano, Italy)

  • fair treatment is the foundation of coexistence (Gregor, Slovenia)

  • Podpiram! (Irena, Slovenia)

  • Pogumno naprej ! (Irena, Slovenia)

  • Zelo dobra in potrebna iniciativa zlasti za Slovenijo. (Ivan, Slovenia)

  • Odpraviti - čimprej - sramotno dejanje iz leta 2016. (Janez, Slovenia)

  • I agree with the demand (Jožef, Slovenia)

  • It's time fir changes. I hope you'll be succesfull! (Jožica, Slovenia)

  • The decision of the ministry of Culure have to be more transparent and professional people should be taking part in the decision making process! (Klara, Slovenia)

  • Iz druge roke malo poznam to zgodbo i vem, da je še hujša, kot je tu navedeno. Zato peticijo oz zahteve v njej podpiram brez rezerve. (Lado, Slovenia)

  • Important! (Maja, Serbia)

  • V celoti se strinjam s predlagatelji. (Marina, Slovenia)

  • Agreeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Marjan, Slovenia)

  • CELLOFEST DA! (Marjetka, Slovenia)

  • Nujno (Martina, Slovenia)

  • Our children need to be exposed to all forms of culture in the Art's and Nature through conservation, to grow into well informed and healthy human beings across the world. (Mary, Other)

  • Podpiram vaša prizadevanja! (Matej, Slovenia)

  • Podpiram zahtevo pravice obrambe pri sofinanciranju nevladne kulture. (Milan, Slovenia)

  • V celoti podpiram peticijo (Mirjam, Slovenia)

  • Podpiram peticijo! (Mladen, Slovenia)

  • I experienced the same issue when I had to contest the decision of the Ministry of Culture against the Republic of Slovenia via the Governmental Court of Justice regarding the rejection of a blockchain-based visual art platform. The jury lacked competent decision-makers, but of course, the demand was rejected. Apparently, an artist alone has no power against an officially elected cultural body, regardless of the project's necessity in terms of traceability, rights, and certification (Norma, Slovenia)

  • Culture needs more support, culture makes society improve and evolve. (Pablo, Spain)

  • Europe will be create by Culture. Independence, freedom, and private initiative is essential for the development of our democracy. (Pablo, Spain)

  • Check and balances are important also in culture! (Teemu, Germany)

  • Podbiram vse festivale klasične glasbe v Sloveniji in jih rada obiskujem! (Vlasta, Slovenia)

  • podpiramo (Zdenko, Slovenia)

  • Uralod ha elengeded, eléred ha nem kergeted, tied ha már nem akarod, megtalál ha nem kutatod (Zoltán, Hungary)

  • Zahtevamo, da Ministrstvo za kulturo RS pri ocenjevanju razpisov na področju sofinanciranja kulturnih projektov ponovno uvede pravico do zagovora prijavitelja in možnost mediacije Še pred izdajo pravnomočne odločbe. (ZVEZDANA, Slovenia)